sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009

Seinfeld de 2009

George: Well, I'll never meet anyone else again.
Jerry: Probably not.
George: Meeting is hard.
Jerry: Meeting is hard. Why can't you meet?
George: Can't meet. Why is that?
Jerry: This is what single people are thinking about the minute they wake up in the morning. And yet we're surrounded by people. They're right next to us on the bus, on the street. But we can't meet them.
George: Why won't they meet us?
Jerry: Because strangers have a bad reputation.
George: A few bad strangers that ruined it for the rest of us.

(Entretanto, a Elisabeth Shue voltou a aparecer mais três minutos.)

1 comentário:

Beatrix Kiddo disse...

Imagino um mundo onde toda a gente fala com toda a gente na rua no café no autocarro no metro...mesmo assim talvez nos continuássemos a sentir sozinhos